

Terms of Service

Welcome to UglyBot, a highly versatile Discord bot that leverages AI to interact with users and aid in the creation of raids. By using UglyBot, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Basic User Data

UglyBot may collect basic user data to operate and improve its services. This data includes, but is not limited to, your Discord user ID, server ID, and messages sent to UglyBot. This data will not be shared with third parties.

Open Source

UglyBot is an open source project, meaning that anyone can view, modify, and distribute its source code. By contributing to UglyBot, you agree to license your contributions under the same open source license used by UglyBot.

Prohibited Uses

You agree not to use UglyBot for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, including but not limited to:

  • Harassment or discrimination
  • Spamming
  • Hacking or cracking
  • Distributing malware

UglyBot reserves the right to terminate your use of its services at any time for any reason, including violation of these terms of service.

Limitation of Liability

UglyBot and its creators will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising from or in connection with the use of UglyBot.

Changes to these Terms

UglyBot may modify these terms of service at any time without notice. By continuing to use UglyBot, you agree to be bound by the updated terms of service.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about these terms of service, please contact us at our official Discord server.


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